Saturday, January 3, 2009

He's Tall But Gentle; She's Short But Feisty

I'm sure I will forget these things soon, and was lousy about documenting them in the kids' baby books, so here goes a try.

My son is 2 months shy of turning 6 years old. He is already 4 feet tall and wears size 7 clothes. I'm not sure what he weighs but it's something around 45 lbs. He's very lanky -- on some days, you'd say gangly and skinny. I take his trousers in at the waist -- one inch on each side, and he's still having to pull his pants up constantly since he has no tush or hips!

My daughter is 3 1/2 years old and is 3 feet tall. She wears 3T clothes but has size 10 feet, like a puppy about to grow a lot. I don't know what she weighs either -- maybe 33 lbs or so. She is also lanky. Same thing with the trousers.

While I certainly didn't realize I would be sewing constantly just to get their clothes to fit (and they wear "slim" fit clothes exclusively), I'm utterly relieved that they won't be candidates for pediatric diabetes any time soon.

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