Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Lot Happened In Q1 2009

A lot has happened in a short period of time.

In January, we had to let our nanny go. It was a drama-filled, tense situation for all parties involved and I would not wish it on anyone, ever. We went skiing for the first time this season.

February we found a new nanny. We like her greatly and hope she'll be with us for the long haul. My son also turned 6! We went skiing twice more.

In March, we got the terrific news that he was accepted to the school of our choice, which fortunately runs through 8th grade. Huge sigh of relief! We went skiing a final 2 times, and the kids are extremely enthused about next season. My husband and I bought new equipment -- skis, custom boots -- so we could ski using materials developed within the last year instead of the last 20 years... We also learned that my daughter would be going to our first choice pre-K campus at her excellent preschool in SF. Another hurdle neatly cleared.

In April, we realized we managed to forget to make an appointment with our accountant to do our taxes. So my husband ran the numbers and made an estimate for the IRS. We went to Disneyland for the first time ever, and enjoyed it greatly. I think staying in the park on the concierge floor made the difference between "okay" and "we'll be back". Between the Jedi Training Academy, Small World and the various rollercoaster rides; the hot chocolate and pastries; the fireworks and storytimes; and the water slide, it was hard to beat. One clear decision for next time - fly, don't drive.

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