Monday, June 1, 2009

More Milestones in Early 2009

My son finally started using the toilet for BMs without a ton of prompting, threats, pleas and other verbal interventions. First, at home. Next, at school. And now, at other kids' houses and restaurants. Sometimes even at the park. This probably sounds ridiculous but believe me, we went through 2 years of constipation, tears and terror. It's a huge slab of progress.

He also started going #1 in the toilet -- as opposed to his underwear -- during times of high entertainment. Previously he seemed to consider use of the toilet for the petty, the small-minded, the uncreative. When in the midst of innovating and designing the world's coolest Lego Transformer Scooter Ship, why use the indoor plumbing when you could just ... go in your underwear? Heck. After 6 months of concerted effort, he is definitely making some progress. He does best when he's with us or on the weekends, and is not caught up in play with his friends. He does less well when he's in engaged in lightsaber battles. This summer he has a very very large carrot and a smaller but noticeable stick. The carrot is a Count Dooku limited edition Lego spaceship. The stick is the loss of marbles for each infraction, and a lengthening of the required "dry" time period to earn the spaceship.

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