Monday, September 14, 2009

I Think I'm A Slow Learner

This summer I've learned a few things about my capabilities and limits. Because I've been living with tunnel vision for a while, I failed to notice these things earlier. It's worrisome because the natural next question is, "So what other (incredibly obvious and important) things have I also failed to notice?" Anyway. Here goes.

  1. Scheduling and multi-tasking. Apparently I'm a natural at mentally organizing and sequencing events, activities and tasks to get them completed efficiently and/or meeting at a common end time. I can also cook, clean rooms, do laundry and answer emails without feeling strain.
  2. Getting places on time. I'm good at figuring out what time to leave Pt A so as to arrive at Pt B at an appointed time.
  3. Finishing what I start. I started a lot of things this summer, such as room-cleanout, unused item donation, 2 years' of artwork archival and getting the garden to look better. Those are all done.
  1. Maintenance. Once I've built something or birthed a prototype, I lose a lot of interest. For me, it's all about the initiation, maybe up to 2nd draft. After that, someone else needs to take over.
  2. Playfulness and having a light touch. From observing random children recently, I'd guess that I used to be pretty playful. But somewhere along the last 44 years I have lost grasp of this ability. I'm pretty heavy-handed and lecturing seems to come naturally to me. Some days I don't want to hang out with myself, but suspect that dissociation would only make things worse.

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