Friday, July 10, 2009

What I Know So Far (July 10)

I want to remember my thoughts and the process, so I'm writing down my list of "wouldn't it be great if....?" items.

a) I work 30 hours a week.

b) My work is professionally and personally fun, fulfilling, and draws on my natural strengths.

c) I work with fun, creative and ethical people who aren't too serious about themselves or their work.

d) My commute is 5 miles or less.

e) I am paid fairly and appropriately for my contributions, which means I am extremely well compensated.

f) I'm really proud of what I do, and my family knows this and appreciates it.

g) I can walk away from work at the end of the day, and not carry it around like bad emotional baggage.

h) I do actual work, rolling up my sleeves and getting it done, or personally guaranteeing its completion at a certain standard of performance. I don't do organizational politics, facilitation, change management or thought leadership. I just do really excellent, amazing work by being myself and doing what I do best.

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