Sunday, November 2, 2008


Halloween's not been my favorite holiday, but with young kids it takes on a meaning beyond cavities. It's really fun to see the effect of their active imaginations. Nice to leave behind the facts. Makes you realize how dull facts can get ... and wonder why we try so hard to pursue them as adults. Is it because our brains can't handle the breadth and depth of what our imaginations can produce?

My kids are now old enough to be motivated by the possibility of eating candy. My husband and I are shamelessly trading on this development. That, and Santa Claus's allegedly unpredictable temperament may be our primary behavioral levers until the New Year. Tonight, I convinced my son to eat 2 bites each of his roasted chicken and potatoes using both to create the specter of doubt. I'm pretty sure a host of respected child development authorities would tell me that I am doing wrong by my kids. I am going to try to live with the guilt.

My daughter refused to eat her 2 bites of each dish, so she had a bath and went to bed pretty hungry. Breakfast is in the morning. Note to self: get up early tomorrow and make coffee so I am ready to handle Ms. Linda Blair/Exorcist with the empty stomach.

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