Saturday, November 8, 2008

Taking a Break in Sonoma

"I'm on break." Love the way that sounds. So 1950's! But you know what? I'm on break for the whole weekend. Why? Well, in October my husband had a 13-day business trip overseas and it nearly did the kids in. We powered through, but I was very emotionally and physically tired when he returned. So this weekend I am refilling my energy tank here in Sonoma by myself. Lots of rest, unscheduled time, and no need to plan or multi-task whatsoever. For a mother of two young children, this is almost an obscene pleasure.

Right now I'm going to talk a little walk outside, grab a cinnamon bun, and browse in a bookstore -- and I will be enjoying every single second of it.

My husband deserves an enormous thank-you for being so cheerful and uncomplaining when I announced I was decamping for a weekend. THANK YOU!!!

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